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JavaScript: Composition > Inheritance

So you’re building an application. You’re making a point from the get-go that it should be clean, clear, well documented and that it shouldn’t have any code duplication whatsoever. You’re ... Read more

April 14, 2016

Asgard Run – Launched for Android

Great news from our games team: Asgard Run is now available on Android! Following its success on the iOS App Store and over 1,000 features in the Best New Games ... Read more

April 1, 2016

Product Tank MeetUp at evozon HQ

Product Tank is a community of product enthusiasts. Last week, they organized a meet-up that raised up for discussion the issue of “dreaded” analytics, when it comes to building products. ... Read more

February 16, 2016

Security Meet-Up hosted at evozon HQ

The information security issue is crucial for professional activity within most domains, especially the IT one. As such, it comes as a given that any changes in legislation, trends, threats, ... Read more

February 5, 2016

Open Day

“What one man can invent another can discover.” (Sherlock Holmes) There is nothing like first-hand evidence so don’t miss out on the opportunity to observe what’s really happening in ... Read more

February 2, 2016
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