Technical Courses and Certifications for Evozon Systems Employees
Project Code: 145585
The main objective of this project is to enhance the knowledge and skills of Evozon Systems employees in specific economic sectors as identified by SNC and SNCDI. The project aims to benefit a total of 271 individuals, with a minimum of 89 employees receiving evaluations for professional skills certification in the IT field. These evaluations will lead to the attainment of employer, sector, and internationally recognized certificates.
This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Competitiveness Operational Program. Evozon Systems SRL is the designated beneficiary of this funding. The project is scheduled to take place between 19.07.2021-18.10.2023.
– 360 employees enrolled in the project;
– course support for each type of course held within the company;
– 271 employees participating in the courses organised within the project, of which at least 50% will participate in advanced digital skills training programmes;
– minimum 217 employees acquire a qualification/ and have validated competences in the economic sectors/smart specialisation domains related to the NCS/SNCDI upon termination of participation;
– final reports, one for each course group.
The output contributes to the achievement of both the overall objective of the project and to the achievement of the specific objective 1, which contributes to the achievement of SO 3.12 and is achieved through the implementation of the subactivity SA1.1. contributing to the fulfilment of the output and result indicators.
2. R2.
– 89 employees evaluated and certified;
– assessment and certification exams held;
– 89 employees obtaining employer, sector and internationally recognised certificates.
The result contributes to the achievement of both the overall objective of the project and the achievement of the specific objective 2, which contributes to the achievement of SO 3.12 and is achieved through the implementation of subactivity SA2.1. contributing to the achievement of output and result indicators.
3. R3.
– Indirect activities;
– Mandatory information and publicity measures FOR THE PROJECT provided: Announcements and posters posted and distributed at the company’s premises, information and awareness emails, newsletter, postings on the internal platform Evo-Talks, informative materials and messages, presenting the project, the courses and the results achieved, logos on all materials produced, mentions on all materials produced (including on the certificates of completion of the courses) regarding the non-reimbursable support received, inclusion on any type of documents of the fact that the operation was supported by the ESF, specific information to all participants regarding the support granted by the ESF, etc.
The output contributes to the achievement of both the overall project objective and the specific objectives, which contribute to the achievement of SO 3.12 and is achieved through the implementation of subactivity SA3.1. indirectly contributing to the achievement of output and result indicators.
4. R4.
– An established project team;
– Financial and accounting documents;
– Activity reporting documents;
– Pre-financing/payment/reimbursement requests/ Additional acts/ Notifications/ Information drafted and sent to the financing authority;
The results of the managerial activity, with its administrative component, will follow the reflection of the impact that the project activities have on the WG (by monitoring the respect of indicators), the respect of the relevant legislation in force (fiscal, labour, specific), the respect of the assumed commitments and the planning, implementation and monitoring of the response to the challenges that the project will face in implementation.
The result contributes to the achievement of the general objective of the project as well as to the achievement of the specific objectives and is achieved by implementation of sub-activity SA3.2. This output contributes indirectly, by providing management support and administrative support, the achievement of the project indicators.