> Careers > Internship Info

Internship info

How come you ended up right here, right now? *insert Fatboy slim reference*

Were you just casually surfing through this crazy thing called the world wide web and randomly ended up here? Same bro, same. But since we’re both here, on our Internships page, let’s talk about something of interest to both of us: Opportunities for your growth! Or “Internships”, as we’ve been used to call them, which, by the way, last between 3 to 8 weeks, depending on what area they focus on.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you before, but there will be lots of development involved. Both professional and personal – through workshops, presentations and tasks, carefully tailored by your mentors to boost yourself and your career to the next level. You will get the chance to improve your technical proficiency, as throughout the year we focus on constantly learning and improving ourselves to make sure we are up to date with everything happening in the tech zone. So have no fear, our mentors are here! And they are prepared to guide you in your growth journey. If you think you are up for the challenge, join us!

Evozon open days 2017 - internship program

Open applications:

Internship FAQs

Everyone can apply for an internship, but you must be aware we are looking for some kind of experience or palpable interest of yours in the technology you apply for. In other words, we won’t be teaching you how to code, but we will be teaching you how to code better in a certain technology of your choosing. This is because our internships start with a set of prerequisites in order to accumulate and skyrocket your learning curve in those 4 to 8 weeks of training.

Your CV should contain your technical experience so far like your working experience (if you have any), personal projects, school projects, education (college, training programs, online courses), something about you as a person and what you’d like to achieve. Basically, we would like to get to know you a bit through your CV. These should be more than enough to understand if we would be a match.

Oh, we strongly recommend for you to invest in coding before applying for an internship and showcase your portfolio/git account in your CV. It will considerably increase your chances.

You will get a final answer to your application in 2 weeks tops. We have a lot of applications especially when it comes to internships and so, if you need a faster response, please do tell us.

We usually specify this in our internship registrations announcements. In our past selection processes, you could apply to a maximum of 2 internships at a time and with a note of which one is your 1st pick. We do this in order to increase your chances of learning within Evozon.

For all of our internships, you will have to get past the selection process, CV screening and then we will call you for a test (online or otherwise) with 20-30 questions depending on the technology. Some internship programs also require you to solve a technical problem before getting to the interview with the mentors, the final phase.

We strongly believe that money isn’t everything. With that being said, yes, we do have paid internships.
User pushing a question mark - internship

Closed internships